Saturday, December 25, 2004


I can listen to music and be carried into another realm. I can feel the music vibrate within me and through me. It resonates as if the music has a living soul and can seduce my emotions with sadness or fill me with a deep rush. I learned not to listen to Evanescence while skydiving. I played My Immortal and Bring Me to Life back to back on my CD player during a jump. As I sliced through the sky I started to slip elsewhere. My thoughts were not on the jump, but the thoughts the music dredged from deep within me. My movements and actions were fluid and set. If my friend wasn't there with a video camera and has footage. I would never have believed it...

Friday, December 17, 2004

View from the Back

I was taking a ride on I-90 the other day. Since I was a passenger. I got to spend the time viewing out the window. I ride on I-90 a lot but I rarely take in the sights. The view is breath taking the snow capped mountains and every once in a while you get to see some deer. I went snowboarding or rather I tried to. I pulled a hamstring the day before. So my snowboarding was rather lame. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Incredibles

I love animation of all kinds. I must say that I am very enamored of the movie The Incredibles. I had the most fun watching it. I might even go back to see it again. I really enjoyed watching the kids get a hang of actually using their powers. If you haven't seen it, go.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Every go into a store or better yet, a Home Depot. And start swinging about wooden spoons or thinking about. How to use what's in your hand in devious and utterly delightful ways? I went in to Bed Bath and Beyond the other day. They have these cute little wooden cutting boards. I picked one up and I started swinging it and checking it for balance and such. I had the feeling that I was being watched. I turned and this young woman, was eyeing me intently. For a split second, I was going to put it down and walk away. I thought different and gave her my best I can do no harm smile. Then said,"it has a good grip and a nice solid heft, tempted?" She blushed very deeply turned away swiftly, but she did look my way one last time before she left...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Why me?

I went out on a very rare guys night. There were four of us out at Martha's Inn Tavern. We were having a very pleasant time. When one of my friends went to the bar to get the next round and accidentlly spilled some beer on a guy. I guess the guy was already upset cause he went ballistic right away. I jumped in to try to stop the situation from getting worse. The guy wouldn't have it. He took one look at me and decided I needed a lesson. I don't know why but every 6 foot plus walking wall of muscle thinks it's a good idea to beat the crap out of me. It hasn't happened yet, but it doesn't stop them from trying. Once I knew that he was going to fight and not back off. I did the only thing I could. I attacked, he wasn't expecting it. I think he thought he would pound on me then go on to my friend. I threw an ashtray at his face and when it was over. I fractured his jaw and crushed three fingers on his right hand. It took all night to get over the adrenalin rush. I really hate fighting.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


An ex g/friend got me hooked on the online virtual pet game called Neopets. It was a very fiendish plot I tell you. She got me hooked and now I go frantic when I don't feed or play with my pets. I really like my Pets they are cute and time consuming. See fiendish plot I tell you.

Idle thought

How many kisses does it take to get to the center of your tootsie roll?

1st attack

Well I've had my first spell. The Doctor said I might have seizures due to my cancer. I had hoped that I would avoid that unpleasantness. Unfortunately I did not. I got up to get a glass of water and next thing I know I was on the ground shaking uncontrollably and my body felt like I was being torn apart atom by atom. I don't know how long my attack lasted but when it was over I was exhausted. I barely made it back to bed. I was lucky no one noticed. I hope not to worry my family.