Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Well I tried to fix my sled this morning. Alas it was not to be. The main mixing chamber exploded. I made the mix to rich. I don't know if I will fix it anytime soon. For a recovering Pyro the fireworks were very fun to watch.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Did you know that you can survive a 34 mile an hour jet powered snow sled accident. I tried to ride my sled today, I was a little bored and had nothing to do at the time. I've been working on putting a jet turbine on a snow sled after I saw an episode of junk yard wars. I had it in my garage for over a month without trying it and well today was the day. It worked fine for 3 attempts but the 4 one was a bit hazardous. The sled came apart and I tumbled a few times, I wore safety gear so no major bumps or bruises LOL. Might try it again this weekend.