Friday, December 09, 2005

As Seen on the Wall

Whatever happened to 4ever Kelly? You broke my heart Kelly

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

George W saves Turkey

George W Bush saves turkey on thanksgiving but can't save our troops. At least he's respectfull about it. As a nation are we thankfull?

Friday, November 25, 2005


Well another Thanksgiving where my step monster ruins the day. The asshole told my two of my sisters couldn't be his children because they are fair skinned and not tanned like him. The fact that my mom is fair skinned obviously not a factor here. He also decided to leave the family. He's in Newark, NJ now. I'm very angry with him. The family is angry with him. Well what's to be thankfull for?

Monday, October 31, 2005

Frayed Parachute

I finally retired my old parachute. I had a lot of fun with it over the years. It was my red parachute that brought me back to earth safely time after time. Despite my fear of heights. It never failed me. I have a new parachute that I hope to break in sometime soon. I may take up a new hobby till then. I hope for clear skies.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Gathering

Just got back from a week long camp outing. The Wet Spot had it's yearly Paradise Gathering of the Tribes. I attend every year. Mostly to relax and enjoy like minded people. I also hope to find someone, a kinky girl. It was cloudy most of the outting. It even rained on the last two nights. I enjoyed relaxing just about every hour of the day floating in the pool. When I wasn't in the pool I was talking to people I hadn't chatted with since last year. It was interesting to see new faces with new loves. To walk around the area and hear moans and sighs all about you made for interesting moments. Not to mention at night while I slept to hear them off an on durring the night. I was hoping to find a model and have some time to take some erotic photography. I met up with the young lady that was my muse last year. She eagerly agreed to model for me this year also. Alas, the weather and time was against me this year. Maybe next year.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mom Brigade

Cindy Sheenan is holding fast from word from Bush. To hold him accountable. To hear him say the words that need to be said. We are not fighting for freedom. We are not fighting for good. So what's left?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Small victories

Well my last attempt at jet propulsion didn't kill me, but my brain tumor almost did. Well I am back, I am Ulysses home to roost though perhaps a little juiced. I always liked that quote. Well I managed to do my taxes on time. I left it to the last minute. I figured that if I died, what was the IRS going to do come after my corpse? HEHEH Went parachuting last weekend, it felt great to be alive. I so loved the sense of freefall.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Well I tried to fix my sled this morning. Alas it was not to be. The main mixing chamber exploded. I made the mix to rich. I don't know if I will fix it anytime soon. For a recovering Pyro the fireworks were very fun to watch.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Did you know that you can survive a 34 mile an hour jet powered snow sled accident. I tried to ride my sled today, I was a little bored and had nothing to do at the time. I've been working on putting a jet turbine on a snow sled after I saw an episode of junk yard wars. I had it in my garage for over a month without trying it and well today was the day. It worked fine for 3 attempts but the 4 one was a bit hazardous. The sled came apart and I tumbled a few times, I wore safety gear so no major bumps or bruises LOL. Might try it again this weekend.

Monday, January 31, 2005

It's the little things.

I can jump from planes. Survive fire fights from hell. Get shot by a sniper. I can do many things that scare me to the bone. This last week I hit a patch or black ice while taking my brother to school. The truck flipped over and rested on the side. My brother's seat belt came loose. I never once worried about myself. Yet, for one brief second I almost panicked when I saw my brother laying there motionless for a moment. When he stirred time rushed on and I regained my senses. I've never reacted that way before.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Idle Thought

Cheer up there is only 330 days till X-Mas!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Old Friends

This last week I got a visit from the Government. An old college friend of mine who I'll call Steve and I used to be very active environmentalists. Steve was an active member because truly believes in what he's doing. I once believed but I must admit that I was drawn more to the danger than to the cause. Steve continued on and I eventually went on to others things. As a member of the ELF, Steve is a very wanted person. From time to time I would get a visit from the FBI or other such government agency. Especially if Steve was thought to be in town. I would occasionally get a feeling of being followed. Once I even knew I was followed and convinced the surveillance team I was up to something and had them going nuts trying to figure out what I was up to. I would sometimes hear a click when I picked up the phone. I can't visit my grand parents in Barcelona because I am a "known associate of a wanted 'terrorist'". I've never had reservations about my friendship with Steve. The visit I got last week was truly a surprise. I hadn't had a visit from anyone in over a year or two. Seems that they somehow lost track of me and decided in the current climate that I warranted some attention. I had a fun time durring the interview. I thought it was very funny that they would lose track of me. Since I am constantly checking in with the VA and until this last year I lived at the same adress for over 5 years. They went over the same scripted interview as usual till I got under their skin and left in disgust. Gotta love 'em

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Idle Thoughts

Kisses are forever
Kisses are renewable
Kisses are sweet
and Kisses are Death...

Monday, January 10, 2005

Sledding and other insane acts

This weekend I tried to see just how insane I could make the simple act of sledding. My brother's friends and I tried everything from getting slingshot from trees while on inner tubes and sleds. To getting dragged from a speeding truck while on inner tubes and lawn chairs. It was a load of fun even when fun reaches that point where you don't know how you possibly survived the stunt.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Night Sounds

Last night I awoke several times looking for the source of a noise. I kept hearing a noise that sounded like an alarm. It sounded like it was coming from outside the house. The last time I awoke I even ventured outside in the freezing cold looking for the source of the noise. I didn't find it, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. There is a coyote that trying to get at our chickens. I think it could have been it. A part of me knows that's not it though.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Idle Thoughts

How many kisses does it take to get to the center of your heart?